GOES-R AIT: Near-Real-Time Processing
GOES-R AIT: Near-Real-Time Processing

Wednesday, 7 January 2015
The GOES-R Algorithm Working Group (AWG) Algorithm Integration Team (AIT) has been processing several algorithms in near-real-time (NRT) using the GOES-R AWG Product Processing System Framework. Selected algorithms are currently being run on geostationary orbiting satellites (e.g. GOES13, GOES15 and SEVIRI), polar orbiting satellites (e.g. MODIS and VIIRS), and WRF simulated ABI. Further, the GOES-R AWG AIT has developed a suite of tools to monitor product quality, product processing, and system performance for the NRT product generation. The product monitoring tools check trends in the metadata to ensure that the product quality has not been degraded. The product processing tool tracks the status of the processing from data ingest to output file production, and the system performance tool gathers timing and other relevant information about the resources being used in the processing. The design details of the NRT algorithm product generation system, monitoring tools, and future plans shall be discussed.