Outreach and Broader Impacts — Closer than You Think!
Outreach and Broader Impacts — Closer than You Think!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 2:45 PM
125AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The American Meteorological Society's Annual Meeting brings together an astounding network of weather, climate, space weather, and other scientists, technologists, and engineers. It also gathers the meteorology education community – those in formal and informal education from K to gray as they say. Not everyone is aware of the outreach and educational opportunities beyond the Educational Symposium, however. Two other well established educational efforts occur at the AMS Annual Meeting: WeatherFest, which draws thousands to explore, engage, and celebrate meteorology and related-sciences and the K-12 Teacher Workshop. This day-long workshop is open to all educational entities interested through an application process. It has built on prior year's successes and today offers a robust professional development opportunity and share-a-thon for local and national educators that highlight the best new and innovative resources and programs from within the AMS education community.
Find out about serving on the WeatherFest Committee that oversees both efforts, how the Committee is structured, and what the commitment and various opportunities are. Help us spread the word and the interest both with potential presenters and attendees each year, including the 18 scholarships that are awarded. There's a lot going on, and we want to make sure that those of you most involved in AMS educational efforts are aware of the opportunities and invited, indeed welcomed, to participate and continually strengthen these efforts.