SuperMAG: Global and Continuous Space Weather Monitoring
SuperMAG: Global and Continuous Space Weather Monitoring
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015
We present the SuperMAG capabilities for global and continuous Space Weather monitoring. SuperMAG is a worldwide collaboration of organizations and national agencies that currently operate more than 300 ground based magnetometers. SuperMAG utilizes 3D vector measurements of the magnetic field obtained from ground bases magnetometers. The complexities of this very diverse dataset have been removed by SuperMAG thereby allowing the users to focus on research and monitoring. A long list of data products, publication quality plots, and other derived products are made available to the users. For Space Weather applications SuperMAG has the significant advantage of uninterrupted measurements and near global coverage. In this presentation we focus on the SuperMAG capabilities for Space Weather applications.