Using Total Lightning Data to Improve Real-Time Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Genesis Forecasts

With the impending launch of GOES-R, a new capability for total lightning detection will become available via the onboard Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). The GOES-R GLM will map total lightning activity continuously over the Americas and adjacent ocean regions. In preparation for this new dataset, this study seeks to expand upon the work in DeMaria et al. 2012 and explore the potential for using total lightning data to improve real-time TC intensity and genesis forecasts. As a first step, total lightning data from a relatively new ground-based total lightning network, the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN), will be obtained for cases where TCs are sufficiently close to the detection network and compared with WWLLN data. Then, a calibration procedure developed for the WWLLN data, which involves a comparison with a TRMM-based climatology, will also be performed using the ENTLN data to determine the spatial variability in the detection efficiency. Preliminary results from the comparison and calibration will be presented and plans for incorporating total lightning data into statistical algorithms for TC rapid intensity and genesis will be discussed.
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