Assessing the value of polar satellite data in NWP during high-impact weather events
Assessing the value of polar satellite data in NWP during high-impact weather events

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 5:00 PM
230 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Many studies have been completed that examine the usefulness of satellite data in the performance of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Specifically, the polar satellite systems provide additional sounding capabilities from high spatial and spectral resolution instruments (e.g. ATMS, CrIS, AMSU) that examine data within the infrared and microwave region of the spectrum. Typically, use of the anomaly correlation coefficient is used within the global setting to determine value of assimilating satellite data within NWP. This study examines high impact weather events to include severe weather events and mid-Atlantic snow events in the Jan 2013 to Feb 2013 in order to determine the usefulness of polar satellite data in forecasting these events. This study will examine the use of more localized methods to evaluate performance of the model output including using anomaly correlation coefficient over a more focused area.