JPSS Science Product Requirements and Implementation Evolution
JPSS Science Product Requirements and Implementation Evolution

Wednesday, 7 January 2015: 2:15 PM
230 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program provides the next generation of polar-orbiting satellite products to support weather, oceanic and climate prediction. Clear, updated data product requirements define a path forward for implementation and mandate improved data quality levels. Scientific reviews of these requirements allow for direct stakeholder engagement with respect to data product validity and are coupled with broad user queries to determine overall product usability. The JPSS Program has realized that requirements, implementation and utilization of products must be aligned to maximize the benefits of JPSS data for the breadth of product and services within NOAA and partner agencies. In other words, above the establishment of requirements and implementation for data products, facilitating the use of products from new satellite systems with stakeholders is vital since the utilization drives the complexity of product generation. Therefore, supporting user exploitation of all data products is one of the top priorities of the JPSS Program, allowing it to better meet requirements via evolving scientific and implementation solutions especially in a cost-constrained environment. It is anticipated that as the Program works toward these solutions, improvements in science data product quality and programmatic cost savings will be obtained.