Characteristics of the Vertical Ozone Structures Measured at Huntsville in 2013
Characteristics of the Vertical Ozone Structures Measured at Huntsville in 2013

Monday, 5 January 2015
We present the analysis of the ozone measurements at Huntsville during the SENEX and SEAC4RS campaigns. From May to September 2013, we made extensive high-resolution (10-min) ozone lidar and daily ozonesonde observations at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). We characterize the monthly ozone variations using ozonesonde profiles compared to the climatology and investigate short-term physical or chemical processes using the high-resolution lidar data. The monthly average of the tropospheric ozone observed in 2013 shows large deviation from the climatology. The 2013 summertime ozone is significantly lower than the climatology in the PBL and higher than the climatology in the upper troposphere. The ozone anomaly is strongly correlated with the temperature and humidity anomaly suggesting large effect of climate change on tropospheric ozone. The ozone lidar curtains show frequent ozone laminae associated with various mechanisms such as upper-air circulation, biomass-burning aerosol transport, and Rossby-wave breaking. Incorporation of regional, free-tropospheric ozone laminae into the growing, convective boundary layer represents the primary connection between regional and local sources and sinks of pollution and precursors.