DoD's Space Weather Services (Invited Presentation)
DoD's Space Weather Services (Invited Presentation)

Monday, 5 January 2015: 11:15 AM
227A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The U.S. Air Force provides operational space weather support to all elements of the DoD. The 2d Weather Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, carries out this responsibility in a 24/7 operations center that supplies tailored products to warfighters around the globe. These products use a synergistic combination of ground- and space-based sensor data and environmental models to enable informed decision-making by operational commanders. This presentation will give an update of the Air Force's role as the DoD's Space Weather provider, its collection, analysis and forecasting capabilities, and give examples of how tailored space weather products can help mitigate space weather impacts to DoD missions. It will also highlight the key partnerships the Air Force has with Civil and Allied Government agencies to exploit all space weather expertise. The Air Force will continue to be an active team player leveraging interagency working groups and data sharing partnerships to modernize our national space weather capabilities to benefit our warfighters and the nation.