Precipitation Structures during A DYNAMO MJO Event: A Tale Told by Three Cloud-Resolving Models, Two Ground-Based Radars, and Two Satellites

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015
Xiaowen Li, Morgan State University, Greenbelt, MD; and W. K. Tao, M. Janiga, S. Wang, S. Hagos, T. Matsui, C. Liu, A. K. Rowe, W. Xu, and C. Zhang

he Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation field campaign (Oct. 2011 ~Mar. 2012) over the Tropical Indian Ocean produced a rich dataset of cloud and precipitation structures with ground-based radars. This study uses 3 different cloud-resolving models (GCE, SAM and WRF running in doubly cyclic condition), 2 ground-based radar (S-POL at Gan site and C-Band radar onboard R/V Revelle), TRMM satellite, as well as limited CloudSat overpasses during the November MJO event in an attempt to piece together evolutions of the precipitation structures and the associated cloud microphysics during the November MJO event over central Indian Ocean. The cloud-resolving models are forced by observed large-scale forcing data. The model simulations fill in observational gaps for limited area ground-based radars and sporadic satellite observations. In the mean time, radar observations provide excellent validations for CRMs and their inter-comparisons.