Analysis of Aircraft Precipitation Stimulation Process and Effect in Yunnan Province on May 4, 2013
Analysis of Aircraft Precipitation Stimulation Process and Effect in Yunnan Province on May 4, 2013
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Using the Doppler weather radar, weather satellites, meteorological observation routine data, the aircraft process was analyzed on 4 May 2013, and cluster analysis determines the time variation of precipitation partitions in Yunnan. On the basis of this scientific analysis, the aircraft rainfall effects was analyzed. The results showed that: Favorable weather conditions and weather conditions can provide an important basis for the aircraft rainfall operations and selecting opportunity; Unlike the northern region, precipitation in Yunnan usually accompanied by convective weather systems. Aircraft should bypass and catalytic operation earlier depending on radar echo and cloud changes. After the stimulation, the echoes and cloud of work area and the downwind area were enhanced and widen. Comparative analysis of rainfall in the same district based on the impact zone and comparison operations can increase scientific effect. Precipitation increased significantly.