The 2014 Wildfire Season
The 2014 Wildfire Season

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 11:00 AM
229AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
In the U.S., the season began unusually early in southern California with several multiple fires in May. By mid-May, twice the average number of fires had occurred in California. In July and August Washington state had numerous fires including its largest fire on record (greater than 256,000 acres) exceeding the previous largest that occurred in 1902. Drought conditions across much of the West have exacerbated this season's fire potential. Dry fuels have also allowed extensive fires in British Columbia and Northwest Territories Canada. Smoke from these fires extended over vast distances. Over four million hectares has burned in Canada through late August. In late July, an unusually large wildfire occurred in Sweden. This presentation highlights the 2014 wildfire season, emphasizing the role of weather and climate, and key events and impacts through pictures and narrative.