Verifying the Patterns of the Antarctic Dipole Using Reanalysis Data
Verifying the Patterns of the Antarctic Dipole Using Reanalysis Data

Sunday, 4 January 2015
The Antarctic Dipole is the ENSO-related variance in oceanic and atmospheric variables in the Pacific and Atlantic linked regions of the Southern Ocean. Interconnections between Southern Ocean patterns and ENSO patterns in tropical latitudes have been researched for years; this dipole-like pattern could bring scientists closer to validating links between the two regions. In order to provide further backing for the Antarctic Dipole theory, this research will look at reanalysis data from three different sources (NCEP-NCAR's R1, NASA's MERRA, and ECMWF's ERA-Interim) to verify dipole patterns for four different variables (sea surface temperature, surface air temperature, sea level pressure, and sea ice concentration). Data will be gathered, edited, and put into line graphs and anomaly maps for easier comparison. The expected outcome is to see the dipole patterns suggested by past research across all three datasets. Consistency across the datasets could help solidify the Antarctic Dipole theory and prompt further research into the topic.