Storm Height Approximations Based on RADAR and Skew T Data

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Sunday, 4 January 2015
James Jacob Huff, NCAR, Medaryville, IN; and A. M. Downs, D. Gates, and C. Jones

The anatomy of a thunderstorm that formed outside of Boulder, Colorado on 19 June 2014 was examined to better understand cloud bases and cloud tops. A radiosonde was deployed at 20 UTC and was accompanied by RADAR data that was collected at 23 UTC and analyzed with SOLO II software. The combination of this data allowed for better measurements of the cloud base and cloud top heights.

The cloud base was examined to be unusually high for this time of year. The radiosonde data was found to be consistent with the RADAR data throughout the experiment, though the RADAR data has some possible error from the distance between the storm and the RADAR. This would be areas for further investigation.