Comparison of Two Differents Type of Ceilometers
Comparison of Two Differents Type of Ceilometers
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Handout (569.9 kB)
ABSTRACT – Ceilometer is not only a device that can measure cloud base heights but it is a very powerful tool that can provide quantitative aerosol information. During the last decade, atmospheric profiling from ground-based remote sensing instruments has reached a level of maturity that makes easier to get information about the atmosphere state. However, most of the current lidar activities are research oriented and different systems are in use. In this research activity, we are focused on the intercomparison of two different types of ceilometers which are CT 12 and CL 31 located close together at Howard University Beltsville (HUBV) lab. We discuss their methodology, investigate their effectiveness and measure their backscatter coefficient profiles.