Applications for end users

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 5 January 2015: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
227A-C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: 12th Conference on Space Weather
Chair:  Richard D. Clark, Earth Sciences, Millersville University, Millersville, PA

  4:00 PM
Space Weather Services in Commercial Aviation
Robert Rutledge, NOAA/NWS, Boulder, CO

  4:15 PM
Operational advances for atmospheric radiation dose rate specification
W. Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies, Pacific Palisades, CA; and D. Bouwer, J. Bailey, L. Didkovsky, K. Judge, H. Garrett, W. Atwell, B. Gersey, R. Wilkins, D. Rice, R. W. Schunk, D. Bell, C. J. Mertens, X. Xu, G. Crowley, A. Reynolds, I. Azeem, M. Wiltberger, S. Wiley, S. Bacon, E. H. Teets Jr., A. Sim, and L. Dominik
  4:45 PM
DMSP SSUSI Space Weather for Users
Larry Paxton, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD; and R. Schaefer, G. Bust, Y. Zhang, H. Kil, E. Miller, M. A. Kelly, J. Comberiate, M. Weiss, and J. Hicks
  5:00 PM
Preparing for GOES-R Operations: Finalizing the Ground System Operational Science Algorithms for GOES-R Level 1 Space and Solar Products
Christian M. Alcala, AER, Lexington, MA; and E. J. Kennelly, P. A. Van Rompay, H. E. Snell, R. Race, F. Adimi, T. S. Zaccheo, and A. Weiner
  5:15 PM
Forecasting Dst index using the ENLIL solar wind data through the Rice neural network prediction model
Ramkumar Bala, Rice University, Houston, TX; and W. K. Tobiska, D. Bouwer, and P. H. Reiff