Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Measurements, Processes and Impacts I
Over the last decade, significant advances have been made in both in situ and remote sensing technologies for measuring greenhouse gases (GHGs). In addition, the planned launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) and the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) instruments later this year should yield more information on GHGs than ever before. While these multiple observational platforms provide a significant potential for the monitoring of GHG emissions, more and more uncertainties are coming to light regarding our understanding of the global and regional budgets of GHGs, and in the identification and quantification of their climate feedback sensitivities. This session solicits abstracts that address these uncertainties using models and observations, and provides new insights on process understanding across a variety of spatial and temporal scales. We encourage contributions on current and prospective observation technologies for GHGs, modeling studies to quantify GHG budgets and their associated uncertainties, evaluation and benchmarking of GHG estimates from Earth System Models using contemporary observations, and integration of observations and models to augment our process-based understanding.