Town Hall Meeting: Weather in Search, Social, and Mobile
Town Hall Meeting: Weather in Search, Social, and Mobile

Tuesday, 6 January 2015: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
126BC (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Hosts: (Joint
between the Town Hall Meeting;
and the Third Symposium on the Weather and Climate Enterprise
Weather information is being used in exciting new ways. The forefront of this innovation is online applications such as search, social, and mobile. This Town Hall panel brings together four key players in this space – Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft – to discuss how they use weather to reach billions of consumers, often in novel ways. David Kenny, CEO of The Weather Company, will moderate. Panelists include: • Bryan Hurren, strategic partnerships manager at Facebook • Andrew Fitzgerald, Media Partnerships team at Twitter • Arial Gronau, technical program manager at Google • Brett Tanzer, weather program manager at Microsoft
6:00 PM
Town Hall Meeting: Weather in Search, Social, and Mobile - Ariel Gronau
See more of: Town Hall Meeting