Town Hall Meeting: Core Science Talk – Multi-hazard Impact Science with an Emphasis on Natural Hazards

The last few years has seen an increasing focus by the Met Office in the UK to provide Impact-based weather warnings in response to the public's, disaster management authorities' and Governments' needs to have a common, meaningful and understandable means of weather hazard communication. The UK's National Severe Weather Warning Service went impact-based in 2011 and a series of successfully communicated high impact flooding and wind storms events since then have provided ample evidence of the common language now being spoken between the scientists, planners and responders. The biggest challenge now is to further develop the underpinning science of weather hazard impact by integrating the mature science of weather forecasting with the developing science of hazard vulnerability and exposure. This necessarily requires an increasing dependency on other agencies and new databases, the development of interoperable science and visualisation frameworks and new and innovative means of monitoring and reporting hazard impact. The Natural Hazard Partnership, chaired by the Met Office, is leading the way in coordinating work in the UK to broaden the science to services pipeline into a range of multi-hazard impact assessments. This town hall talk looks to take us on the journey that is multi-hazard impact science into relevant and understandable assessments and warnings to the public, disaster management authorities and UK Governments. The second half of the town hall will feature an update and discussion of the Bárđarbunga volcanic activity and its impacts with updates from Sara Barsotti from the IMO and others.