Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Room 242 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Due to population growth, urbanization and climate change, the world has been damaged constantly by water-related hazards, and this leads to the major challenge for managing the water resources facilities, in particular over ungauged basin with lack of datasets and analysis tools (Barthold et al., 2008; Winsemius et al., 2009). Korea water resources corporation (K-water) has been focused on developing techniques for preventing from hydrological disasters as well as securing water supply. In 2014, K-water and Korea Meteorological Administration have been established the Hydrometeorological Cooperation Center (HCC) to accomplish more effective water management for scarcely gauged river basins, where data are uncertain or non-consistent. HCC aims to interconnect between weather observations and forecasting information, and hydrological model over sparse regions with limited observations sites in Korean peninsula, specifically ungauged basins located near the border such as Imjin River. The Hydrometeorological database management system via data visualization based on Geographic Information System so called “Hydrometeorological Portal System over North Korea” is built for data sharing by constructing a web based on quality assured data through various statistical and empirical quality control tests into one database for enhanced application of collected data that were among several governmental research organizations. To manage the optimal flood and drought control over the ungauged river section, we applied the quality-ensured data products to grid based rainfall-runoff model i.e., K-water Distributed Rainfall RUnoff Model (K-DRUM).
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