Monday, 11 January 2016: 5:15 PM
Room 355 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
As a television broadcaster, I find that many viewers don't take action during a tornado warning until they hear that the tornado is confirmed on the ground. Since the dual pol upgrade to the NEXRAD, the most useful product in tornado prone markets is Correlation Coefficient to detect debris. Differential Reflectivity can also be used for this. Correlation Coefficient was of particular help during a night time event in Tennessee and Alabama on April 28, 2014. However, displaying CC and ZDR on TV can be very confusing to the viewer. First, I will show how Correlation Coefficient confirmed a tornado on the ground in Lincoln County, Tennessee that night, and even tracked debris for 50-60 miles. Then, I will demonstrate ways broadcasters can present this important information to viewers in a clear and concise manner with examples from vendors. Clear communication of this information could make the difference between viewers taking action or not.