Monday, 11 January 2016: 1:45 PM
Room 350/351 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
This research investigated meso-scale equivalent temperatures (TE) in Kentucky and potential land cover influences. Kentucky Mesonet ( provided an unique opportunity to conduct this study. Kentucky Mesonet maintains 65 research grade in situ weather and climate observing stations across the state. Equivalent temperatures were calculated using high quality observations from 33 stations. The network offers higher spatial and temporal resolution than any of the previous research on this topic. As expected, the differences (TE-T) were largest in the summer, with average of 35ºC, and smallest in winter, with average of 10ºC. The higher TE values in the summer are linked to increased atmospheric moisture content. Spatial distribution patterns of these differences (TE-T) were also analyzed. It was found that the differences were larger in the Loess Plains (far western KY), Crawford-Mammoth Cave Uplands (western and south central KY), Western Highland Rim (western KY), and Eastern Highland Rim (south central KY). These differences are smaller during periods of drought, suggesting less influence of moisture. Results of this research will improve understanding of how land use/land cover potentially affects meso-scale atmospheric heat content. Additionally, the results can be applied to areas located in similar climate zones, with comparable land cover attributes that do not have a comprehensive mesonet to conduct this type of research.