Monday, 11 January 2016
NOAA/NESDIS/STAR develops, implements, and transitions scientific algorithms to NOAA operations. The prime NESDIS customer, the National Weather Service, has requested continuity of NOAA products between current and future NOAA operational satellites as part of the NWS Office of Science and Technology's strategy of multi-sensor algorithms and products. To meet this goal, STAR has taken the initiative to migrate the current individual satellite algorithms to “common” algorithms, where products like the cloud mask will be produced from one scientific software base; i.e. one cloud mask software package to produce VIIRS, AHI, GOES, AVHRR, AHI, and MODIS cloud mask products. This common algorithm implementation has leveraged the STAR Algorithm Processing Framework (SAPF) developed for GOES-R as the processing base. The SAPF was designed for easier integration of scientific algorithms by enabling the algorithm to be developed and/or tested in both the framework and the scientist's offline research system with little modification or addition to either system. Over the past year, significant progress has been made in transitioning these enterprise algorithms to operations. Once these algorithms are operational, then the heritage algorithm and/or processing system begin the process to be retired. STAR's enterprise algorithm plan, the product processing framework, and examples of current algorithm migration progress for cloud products and derived motion winds shall be discussed.