Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Jung-Sun Im, NOAA/NWS/Meteorological Development Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD; and B. Glahn and J. E. Ghirardelli
As part of the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP), the Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL) has been providing gridded observations (0-h projection) and gridded LAMP forecast guidance (1-25-h projections) for 2-m surface temperature, 2-m dewpoint temperature, ceiling height, and visibility since September 2010. This Gridded LAMP (GLMP) suite was transitioned to an operational product at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction in December 2012. The operational GLMP guidance is available every hour on a 2.5-km grid over the conterminous United States in the National Digital Guidance Database. These products are available no later than 45 minutes after the top of the hour.
In this presentation, we will describe the current analysis methods and new methods developed to improve the existing products. Newly developed GLMP guidance for opaque sky cover, 10-m wind and gust, and probability grids of ceiling height and visibility will be described. These new products are scheduled to be implemented in 2015 and 2016. This presentation will focus on improvements over current operational GLMP temperature, dewpoint temperature, ceiling height, and visibility products, improvements of temporal consistencies between gridded observations (0-h projection) and the first projection (1-h) of gridded LAMP forecasts, and the addition of new GLMP sky cover, wind, and gust products. The strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and future plans for improving each gridded weather element product will be discussed.

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