Wednesday, 13 January 2016
The basic suite of NOAA operational land data products from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite includes those generated within the Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) and NOAA's Suomi NPP Data Exploitation (NDE) system. Additional data products are being generated or developed within various JPSS Proving Ground and Testbed efforts. This product suite is now mature for SNPP for operational evaluation and applications. Preparations for the JPSS-1 satellite are underway, including the delivery of algorithm improvements to meet JPSS requirements and the development of validation plans that build on the SNPP experience towards an accelerated operational use. This work is also done in coordination with development efforts by the NASA VIIRS Land Discipline Team. Further scientific development of the NOAA JPSS products includes optimization and harmonization with similar products from other NOAA satellites or other key non-NOAA space assets that contribute to NOAA's operational mission. This enterprise approach in particular addresses coordination with land data production from the new GOES-R series, which take advantage of the improved Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) sensor characteristics. A thorough assessment of the relative merits of the current baseline algorithms is needed to develop common algorithmic and code baselines whenever possible to streamline product generation and potentially improve product performance. Coordination is also underway in the development of joint validation activities among various missions and programs. These activities include correlative analysis with heritage products as well as with in situ and high resolution airborne and satellite observations, using common validation datasets, methodologies and protocols. This development of a complete and consistent suite of terrestrial products is aimed at best serving the needs of a diverse community of operational users.