This paper presents the 2015 update to the Arctic Report Card, which will be released in December 2015.
The Arctic Report Card 2015 has a different look compared to those published in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Beginning in 2014, there are three sections: Vital Signs, Indicators, and Frostbites. The Vital Signs section includes annual updates on the same seven topics: Air Temperature; Terrestrial Snow Cover; Greenland Ice Sheet; Sea Ice; Sea Surface Temperature; Ocean Primary Productivity; and Tundra Greenness.
The Indicators section is for topics (Ozone, UV Radiation, Permafrost, Glaciers and Ice Caps, to name a few) that have appeared in previous Report Cards but which will now be updated every 2-4 years.
The Frostbites section is an entirely new feature for reports on new and newsworthy items, describe emerging issues, and address topics that relate to long-term scientific observations in the Arctic.
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