Wednesday, 13 January 2016: 4:45 PM
Room 240/241 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
The land surface properties of the Coastal Carolinas are very complex and exhibit a variety of intricate soil types and land use. Along the western edge of this region is a unique land feature called the Carolina Sandhills. This feature is comprised of very sandy soils, extends through the central part of the Carolinas and into Georgia, and is oriented roughly parallel to the coast. Along this boundary is a sharp transition of land surface and land use characteristics. The Carolinas also have a complex coastline containing a variety of inlets and sounds along the eastern boundary.
During the summer time, mesoscale processes are often driven by differential heating of the land surface in the coastal region of the Carolinas. The sea breeze routinely develops during the summer months and propagates far inland toward the Sandhills. Additionally, convective storms also form over the Sandhills. The outflow boundaries from these storms produce a Sandhills front. As the Sandhills front propagates eastward and the approaching sea breeze front converge and interact, strong upward vertical motions occur that triggers additional intense convection. This interaction and its effect on precipitation development during the summer months is investigated.