Wednesday, 13 January 2016: 4:45 PM
Room 243 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Recently suspended particulate matters including PM10 and PM2.5 are problem in Dhaka city ambient air. Primary particles are produces from the volcanoes, forest fires, ocean spray, dust storms, salt spray and biologic sources. Secondary sources are produced from the transportation, fuel combustion in stationary sources. The SPM value which has been found in the sampling site was lower limit of DOE but higher level of USEPA.PM2.5 has been considered as very fine particles also exceeding the limits except in few cases when compared with prescribed limits. It clearly indicates that free movement of transportation directly reflects presence of fine particles of respirable fraction.. However the lower values were found due sampling site was at the roof of the 7 storied building. The concentrations of lead were varied in suspended particulate matters which is below the Bangladesh acceptable limit. Prior 2003, the lead in ambient air of Dhaka city was beyond the acceptable limit (0.05 µg/m3), however, withdrawn of leaded gasoline used, this amount now within the guideline value.