We present in this work some results regarding the differences in cloud and precipitation regimes during the 2 Intensive Operation Periods (IOP). The analysis consist on computing the Contoured Frequency by Altitude (CFADs) of reflectivity and vertical motion speeds, and hydrometeor classification for some special cases.
We use the ARM Radar-Wind Profiler (RWP), the W-Band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar (WACR) and the CHUVA X-Band radars to characterize the cloud type (fair/precipitating) based on their reflectivities and vertical motion profiles. These three instruments were operating with a vertical pointing scan strategy, which allows us to assess the temporal variability of the vertical structure of the clouds passing over the site.
The cases are sorted by: dry and wet season, and polluted and pristine conditions. Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and types observed at the ARM site are used to define atmospheric pollution conditions. Since this is a work in progress, an outline for future development is also presented.