TJ17.2 Seasonality Pro: Essential Workflows and Ongoing Development

Wednesday, 13 January 2016: 1:45 PM
Room 348/349 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Mike Piatek-Jimenez, Gaucho Software, LLC., Mount Pleasant, MI

Seasonality Pro is a weather model visualization tool that was introduced by Gaucho Software in June of 2015. The mobile application for iOS devices offers meteorologists a powerful way to explore current weather model data at full resolution while on the go. Weather data is layered on top of base maps, and everything is vector-based for optimal display. Individual map layers can be drawn using a variety of styles such as blended gradients, contours, and wind barbs or arrows. Layers are completely customizable to best fit the needs of the user.

During this presentation, I will demonstrate essential workflows for taking advantage of the extensive Seasonality Pro feature-set. I will also discuss the initial feedback I've received from users in the field and give some insight on functionality being added to future versions of the product.

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