Compared to the China Gauge-based Daily Precipitation Analysis (CGDPA) newly developed at CMA/NMIC, the four satellite QPEs generally capture the spatial distribution well, with the underestimation in the south mountains and overestimation in the north plain. In winter, TRMM and CMORPH-CRT have low quality, and CMORPH-CRT suffers from a seriously negative bias, while CMORPH-BLD and CMORPH-CMA perform more stable with the season variation. CMORPH-BLD shows a positive bias of light precipitation and a negative bias of heavy precipitation. When the VIC model is calibrated with the gauge-based analysis, both daily and monthly streamflow simulations show good temporal correlations with the observations using the four satellite QPEs as the input forcing. CMORPH-CMA forced streamflow simulations even outperform that forced by the gauge-based analysis. In contrast, CMORPH-CRT shows the worst simulations in both long-term streamflow and extreme flood events. Calibrating the VIC model with individual satellite QPE further improves streamflow simulations compared to the model calibrated with the gauge-based analysis.
Keywords: Quantitative precipitation estimate (QPE), satellite precipitation product, TRMM, CMORPH, streamflow, VIC model