Monday, 11 January 2016
The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) on Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Satellite (S-NPP) and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS)-1 is a Fourier transform spectrometer for atmospheric sounding. CrIS on S-NPP started to provide measurements in 1305 channels in its normal mode since its launch on November 2011 to December 4, 2014, then switched to the full spectral resolution (FSR) mode since December 4, 2014. For FSR data the spectral resolutions in both the MWIR (1210-1750 cm-1) and SWIR bands (2155-2550 cm-1) are increased to 0.625 cm-1 as in the LWIR band (650-1095 cm-1), thus providing measurements in 2211 channels. While the NOAA operational Sensor Data Record (SDR) processing (IDPS) continues to produce the normal resolution SDRs by truncating full spectrum RDR data, NOAA STAR started to process the FSR SDRs data since December 4, 2014 to present, and the data is being delivered through NOAA STAR website ( with a latency of about 12 hours and achieved from December 4, 2014 to present. The current FSR algorithm was developed on basis of the CrIS Algorithm Development Library (ADL), and is the baseline of J-1 CrIS SDR algorithm.
One major benefit to use the FSR data is to improve the retrieval of atmospheric trace gases, such as CH4, CO and CO2 which are listed in the level-1 requirements in J-1. The FSR data from S-NPP will be used to evaluate and improve the J-1 SDR algorithm. In this presentation we will introduce this processing system and update the S-NPP CrIS FSR SDR data status.