Handout (7.4 MB)
ESPDS provides a flexible SOA-based Product Generation subsystem known as NDE, which is capable of scheduling and executing any science algorithm, with a streamlined algorithm integration process that reduces the overall Research to Operations (RTO) timeline for product algorithms.
ESPDS also provides an enterprise Product Distribution capability including SOA-based interfaces for integrating with data providers, as well as support for secure versions of FTP for non-SOA-enabled (legacy) data providers. It leverages push and pull approaches for consumers to obtain weather data, including HTTP(S), SOAP web services, and secure versions of FTP. A subscription-based distribution solution allows consumers to submit subscription requests and either receive the data directly via secure push, or receive notification when the data is available. ESPDS consumers will be able to search the 7-day PDA inventory, and submit one-time (ad-hoc) requests for data from the inventory. ESPDS uses virtualization and resource management (leveraging VMware technology) to automatically manage the deployment of services and allocation of computing resources across a cluster of commodity x86 blade computing hardware. It also uses NWAVE as an enterprise NOAA network communications provider to enable network connectivity with various NOAA facilities, as well as the Internet.
Since last year ESPDS has successfully connected to NWAVE, and has held several successful integration and test events with external data providers and consumers including GOES-R, JPSS, NWS, NCEP, AFWA, FNMOC, NIC, and Legacy ESPC systems. ESPDS personnel also continue to work closely with STAR to update and integrate product algorithms into the NDE Product Generation subsystem.