The NCA-LDAS project has produced, for the first time, a multivariate land surface analysis over the contiguous United States (CONUS) that includes water cycle observations from the satellite-era (1979-present). This analysis includes a unique snow depth Environmental Data Record (EDR), in addition to other standard EDRs such as soil moisture and terrestrial water storage from GRACE. NCA-LDAS models include both Noah Ver. 3.3 and Catchment Ver. Fortuna 2.5 at 1/8th degree resolution. Work builds upon the legacy of the Land Information System (LIS) modeling framework (Kumar et al, 2006; Peters-Lidard et al, 2007). NCA-LDAS also provides public access to all the NCA-LDAS multivariate data assimilation (DA) data products including input data, output fields and standard water indicators through the NCA-LDAS website and the NASA GES-DISC. Sample water indicators computed from these instances will be shown, along with trend evaluations using the Mann-Kendall test.
Results indicate that there were significant improvements in snow fields for Noah and marginal improvements for CLSM. Domain-mean average seasonal cycle of RMSE and bias for the snow depth fields, which are improved through multivariate assimilation, will be shown. Improvements in snow and soil moisture fields were found to translate to downstream improvements in stream flow. For Noah, multivariate DA leads to streamflow improvements in parts of the East coast, and Upper Mississippi and Missouri basins but degradation in the Western US. For CLSM, the results show degradation in the Eastern US with improvements in the Missouri and some Northwest basins.