Thursday, 14 January 2016: 1:45 PM
Room 252/254 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Shanna Sampson, I.M. Systems Group, College Park, MD; and W. Wolf,
T. S. King, and B. Das
Traditionally, there is a gap between the activities of science teams performing research and the strict needs of operations. Science teams are focused on testing new technologies along with scientific approaches and algorithms. Operations manages the ground facilities which ingest, process, and distribute environmental satellite data and derived products to users. They require robust technologies and are driven by security concerns. Often, science teams write code that does not meet the operational requirements. The research to operations (R2O) process is aimed at developing and maintaining end-to-end operational science software.
The Algorithm Scientific Software Integration and System Transition Team (ASSISTT) at STAR bridges the gap between research and operations. ASSISTT provides quality assurance by helping the science teams standardize and optimize their code along with creating and maintaining proper documentation in preparation for the transition. ASSISTT ensures quality assurance for the process by guaranteeing that the process standards for reviews and stakeholder involvement are met throughout the project lifecycle. Guiding teams through the review process takes much of the preparation burden off of the scientists. The consistent enforcement of standards across activities provides quality assurance for the entire R2O process. ASSISTT's methodology that has successfully transitioned a wide range of products to operations will be discussed.

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