Thursday, 14 January 2016: 1:30 PM
Room 225 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
As part of the GOES-R AWG effort we are developing a validation framework that will supports both pre and post launch validation for the GOES-R L1 and L2 products. The project leverages decades of experience in applying vector algebra and analytic geometry to problems in satellite navigation and collocation at CIMSS and supports the following goals: • Develop a maintainable and extensible toolkit capable of orbital analysis (overpass calculations for satellite-to-satellite or satellite-to-ground) and pixel-to-pixel collocation for both GEO and LEO instruments. This effort involves development of new techniques and algorithms in addition to refactoring and organizing legacy code. • Support the collocation needs of GOES-R AWG teams as they work to validate their algorithms. The collocation toolkit will become part of a standard validation framework being developed by the AIT. • Leverage the collocation tools to build an inter-calibration system to allow near real-time monitoring of instrument performance and long-term analysis of radiometric trends.
This presentation will focus on our teams development of a web interface providing near-real time collocated JPSS, MODIS, and GOES-R data (using the Japanese Himawarii-8 as a proxy) products and L2 imagery. The system is designed to provide long term monitoring between the polar and geo-stationary L2 products for cloud, winds and aerosols.