Wednesday, 13 January 2016: 4:15 PM
Room 348/349 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
NOAA's Big Data Partnership (BDP) with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM, Microsoft Corp. and the Open Cloud Consortium was established in April 2015 through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements. NOAA's NEXRAD radar data and derived information products were identified as ideal candidates for BDP activities, given that they were of high value to industry and the public, were both complex and high volume, and that there new advances in weather radar science being applied to both archived and realtime NEXRAD data streams. We will discuss progress in making the NEXRAD Level 2 archive more widely accessible, improving discovery and access to Level 3 data, and enabling distribution of historical time series of the new Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor suite of products.