Helios integrates on-the-ground surveillance with conventional weather-tracking technologies to help identify events as they unfold, minute-by-minute, mile-by-mile. When adverse weather threatens, images and video from a nation-wide network of traffic and surveillance cameras are displayed on a map accompanied with National Weather Service warnings, and other relevant weather data. Helios can create real-time notifications for high impact phenomena through proprietary detection algorithms developed by Exelis. Notifications allow users to quickly view corresponding camera imagery for verification and closer monitoring. Helios also provides real-time video and time-lapse views, which are stored and available for post event analysis. Through Helios' interactive on-screen visualization, users can integrate multiple weather observation and data layers, such as clouds, radar, NEXRAD and fixed stations as complementary content. Helios provides the real-time access to observations at a hyper-local scale needed to fill observation gaps to comprehend the environmental conditions in an immediate area and make better informed decisions to protect life and property.
The presentation will demonstrate that the applications for Helios extend to virtually any enterprise affected by or needing to respond to weather events, including disaster planning and emergency response; supply chain and logistics management; transportation, utilities and agricultural management; insurance and post-disaster assistance; and broadcast weather outlets and other media.