As one of world leading portable weather radar manufactures, EWR Weather Radar has been innovating the next generation weather radar with lower power, low cost, and high reliability system design. EWR has also been the primary supplier of portable weather radar systems to the U.S. Military. Recently, EWR has successfully developed the E750 Dual Polarization (E750DP) radar system, which incorporates the advanced solid state technology and features. Optimized for remote, standalone operation, E750DP is an ideal platform for hydrology studies or as a gap filling radar. As an Industry Partner of CASA, EWR has deployed an E750DP radar in Johnson County, TX, as part of the CASA Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) urban remote sensing network.
The deployment and operation in CASA DFW test bed will be presented. First results during the field deployment are shown. The detailed dual-polarization data analysis and cross-comparison with local NEXRAD radar observations have demonstrated the excellent performance of this EWR radar system.