Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Hall D/E ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Yanqiu Zhu, IMSG/NOAA/NCEP/EMC, College Park, MD; and
E. Liu, R. Mahajan, C. Thhomas, D. Groff, P. V. Delst, A. Collard, D. T. Kleist, R. Treadon, and J. C. Derber
The capability for all-sky microwave radiance assimilation in the GSI analysis system has been developed at NCEP. This development necessitated efforts to improve quality control, observation error assignment, bias correction, control variable(s), and background error covariance in the Ensemble-Variational framework for all-sky conditions. The all-sky microwave radiance assimilation, currently focused on the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) instrument, is included in the Q1FY16 pre-implementation package, and has been tested along with other upgrade components in the 4D EnVar GFS parallel experiment at NCEP.
As further refinements of all-sky assimilation continue (eg. bias correction and impact studies for dual resolutions), the GSI all-sky capabilities are expanded to include the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) instrument as well. Preliminary results will also be discussed at the conference.
Meanwhile, efforts performed to restructure the GSI code for all-sky radiance assimilation have been underway. The intent of these efforts is to centralize all-sky radiance related information content, and enhance flexibility to enable all-sky assimilation capabilities for both microwave and infrared satellite-based instruments. This code restructuring will not only reduce potential coding errors, but also facilitate expanding all-sky radiance capabilities to additional instruments.

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