Monday, 11 January 2016
To support the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program, the JPSS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) (J-STAR) Program will provide managerial and technical expertise for the JPSS Sensor Data Record (SDR) and Environmental Data Record (EDR) algorithm tasks. One of the key components in producing high-quality research using satellite derived products is the underlying quality assurance (QA) procedures implemented in generating those satellite data products. QA procedures have been put into place to ensure a faster and more efficient research-to-operation transition. The QA process includes coordinating between the algorithm teams on Calibration/Validation activities, supporting the algorithm change process and the algorithm discrepancy report process, tracking delivery status, and identifying/tracking risks. The process also includes coordinating algorithm assessments, product validation activities, and readiness reviews. Detailed project schedules have been developed and will be maintained to ensure the deliveries to the JPSS ground systems. Earn Value Management (EVM) reporting process has been set up and the EVM reports will be generated monthly and provided to NOAA JPSS Office (NJO). The J-STAR QA will organize required technical reviews and work with the STAR Algorithm Integration Team (AIT) to bring consistency to algorithm development and delivery processes. The QA procedure for STAR JPSS program is described in this presentation.