In the presentation, I will compare behavior of various microphysical schemes in a 1-dimensional test. The test includes Eulerian schemes, but also particle-base Lagrangian representation of warm-rain microphysics from the libcloudph++ library (; Arabas et al., 2015). The Lagrangian and Eulerian (e.g. double-moment) schemes treat the processes of cloud droplet activation/deactivation, condensational growth and evaporation in a different ways. Therefore, the spurious cloud-edge superaturation affects the cloud field properties differently. In addition, some implementations of the Lagrangian scheme apply local values of the variables instead of the gridbox means. This can improve the simulation and possibly eliminate the spurious cloud-edge supersaturation.
I will also discuss how the approach based on advection of the supersaturation instead of the water vapor mixing ratio (Grabowski and Morrison, 2008) can significantly improve the situation even in the schemes that use only the gridbox means.