Thursday, 14 January 2016: 11:00 AM
Room 225 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Many meteorological satellite agencies and the national meteorological and hydrological services (NMHS) they serve struggle to measure the value of observations from environmental satellites to enhanced data products and services to help better prepare for and respond to extreme environmental events. The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellite (CGMS) Socioeconomic Benefits Tiger Team (SETT) was established to develop a credible methodology and common terminology for articulating the socioeconomic benefit of satellite observing systems and to explore the most effective ways to communicate this information to desired stakeholders. This presentation will outline how the SETT worked to design a study to measure the socioeconomic benefits of enhanced remote sensing observations via sea ice information products used by ship operators in the Arctic for rapid response to adverse events, the status of the study, and the next steps. In addition, the SETT developed a guidance document to aid CGMS members in the development of socioeconomic benefit studies.