The colloquium focused on (i) synthesizing knowledge of African weather and climate, and (ii) applying modern tools (remote sensing, numerical simulation and prediction, statistical data analysis, and visualization) to understand variability on synoptic, sub-seasonal, interannual, and climate timescales, making and interpreting their prediction, and optimizing their societal benefit in Africa. In the panel discussion on lessons learned for successful collaboration in Africa, Pete cited the importance of encouraging independence, forging personal relationships, and helping Africans to help themselves. He reminded the students that they were the future leaders of science in Africa and of their responsibility to use their science to benefit Africa and its development.
Four years after the colloquium a survey is being conducted to learn about participants' current careers, research outcomes, the contribution of the colloquium to their professional development and capacity building in Africa, and to find out how/whether they have risen to the challenge presented by Pete Lamb. The results of the survey will be presented at the symposium.