Monday, 11 January 2016: 11:30 AM
Room 244 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
One of the recommendations of a 2007 National Research Council Study: NOAA's Role in Space-Based Global Precipitation Estimation and Application, was that NOAA should formalize its Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission planning by developing a comprehensive, coordinated, agency-wide strategic plan for engagement in the NASA GPM Mission. In response to this recommendation, NOAA and NASA began actively collaborating on several aspects of the GPM Mission, including NOAA leadership and participation on several GPM working groups and panels (e.g. instrument specifications, GPM ground segment and validation plans) as well as NOAA scientist participation on NASA's Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Team. In order to gain NOAA stakeholder interest in GPM, NOAA organized three user workshops on GPM: The first workshop, held in 2010, focused on user requirements. The second workshop, held in 2011, dealt with user applications of GPM-era data and products. The third workshop, held in 2013 aimed at forging a plan to use GPM data within NOAA through testbeds and proving ground concepts. In addition, in September 2013, NASA and NOAA signed an MOU focused on GPM cooperation, including the exchange of satellite data sets between NASA and NOAA, joint activities on the GPM Science Team, including algorithm development and product validation. As a result of the MOU, NOAA was deemed an 'early adopter' to GPM data, which provided early access to GPM satellite radiance data and derived precipitation products. NOAA will continue to work on making GPM data and products more widely available to NOAA research and operational processing systems (e.g., McIDAS, AWIPS, and JCSDA-GSI). This presentation will describe the current status of the research to operations transition effort of GPM at NOAA. It will also talk about how NOAA is planning to leverage the NASA GPM Precipitation Processing System towards development of a One-NOAA Precipitation Product Enterprise.