Monday, 11 January 2016
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)has a long history of supporting the Direct Broadcast (DB) community for various sensors, recently with the International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) for the NASA EOS polar orbiters Terra and Aqua, and the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) for the NOAA polar orbiter Suomi-NPP. CSPP has been significant in encouraging the early usage of Suomi-NPP data by US and international weather agencies, and it is hoped that a new package, CSPP-GEO, will similarly encourage usage of DB data from GOES-R, Himawari, and other geostationary satellites.
One of the capabilities of CSPP-GEO will be to generate Level-2 data products from Level-1 data, using operational algorithms present in the CIMSS geostationary processing framework, GEOCAT. GEOCAT is wrapped in a layer of scripting which serves to handle the various input preparation, ancillary data ingest and user interface handling tasks which lend themselves to a rapid-development scripting approach.
In this work we describe the architecture of the CSPP-GEO Level-2 package, list the supported algorithms, and show examples of various Level-2 outputs generated using the package.