Sunday, 10 January 2016
Hall E ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Several satellite methods are applied to seismology. Earth's surface deformation, surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, gas and aerosol content can be detected by satellite as early warning indicators for earthquake event. Vertical and horizontal deformations are scaled to tens centimeters to meters. The Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is used to measure these deformations. The average temperature of the ground, in that period of the year, increases of 3- 5 °C prior to earthquake. The concentration of gas and aerosol change prior of occurrence of earthquake. Three years after Sandy Hook, there are people who have not returned home because the rebuilding process is so slow. People, who rebuilt their home in high risk areas, are facing high flood insurance premiums. The problem is if people keep building their home the same way after natural disasters there is a large chance that their home will be destroyed by future natural disasters. Home owners need to figure out what kind of disasters that could happen in their area in order to find the type of house appropriate to each area so they can minimize damages. Team DURA (Durable, Urban, Resilient, and Adaptable) built a house which is bolted to his foundation, the columns and beams are connected together and the walls are continuous wall of plywood. All those techniques are done to increase the resistance of the DURA home to the lateral strength of earthquake. The DURA home is designed and built to resist an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 with few damages and monitors by sensors to notify natural disasters. An automatic system inside the DURA home will pick up the signal from the satellite to shut off power and open doors in the DURA home to avoid fire during an earthquake. This system will give home owners the precious time they need to evacuate their home if a natural disaster occurs.