In the face of increased public and Federal awareness and concern over high-impact weather and ocean events globally and the changing climate environment, a number of calls have appeared in the literature seeking revolutionary collaboration among research sponsors and operational environmental prediction agencies and between the weather and climate communities to significantly advance our prediction capability to benefit mitigation, response and policy. Two partnership have been combined: National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC and Earth System Prediction Capability have been combined in the National Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC). National EPSC represents part of the U.S. response to this need for improved coordination of research towards more skillful and extended range operational environmental prediction. Synoptic/sub-seasonal to seasonal global earth system models are under development at several U.S. centers consisting of high-resolution atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, land, and near space components with the goal of seamless prediction at lead times from a few hours to months or years in operations by 2025. The National ESPC addresses the scientific, technical, computational, and organizational challenges to meet this ambitious goal.