Sunday, 10 January 2016: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Room 244 ( New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Host: Events
Kenneth Dewey, Univ. of Nebraska, Applied Climate Science, Lincoln, NE
Extreme weather and extreme climate are the focus of this event immediately following Weatherfest. All are invited to join in and have their questions about extreme weather and climate answered by a panel of experts. This event will be of interest to the public of all ages, as well as to the attendees at the AMS annual meeting in New Orleans. The panel of experts for this event will include Laura Buchtel, TV meteorologist, WWL TV, New Orleans; Barry Keim, Louisiana state climatologist; Tim Marshall, storm chaser and meteorologist at Haag Engineering, Dallas, Texas; Robert Ricks Jr., lead forecaster, NWS, Slidell, Louisiana; and Marshall Shepherd, director, Atmospheric Sciences Program, The University of Georgia.

See more of: Events