882 Media's Role in Building a Weather-Ready Nation: Deployment of the First Network of TV Station-Owned High-Frequency S-Band & Mobile X-Band Weather Radar Systems in the US

Tuesday, 24 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Richard Stedronsky, Enterprise Electronics Corporation, Enterprise, AL

Handout (23.8 MB)

Earlier in 2016, one of the nations major media outlets embarked on an aggressive, new campaign to advance TV weather technology to a whole new level. As part of this project, Enterprise Electronics Corporation (EEC) developed and deployed a network of two new types of technologies, both a first of their kind in the media weather industry. The new EEC Defender SK1000H High-Frequency (3.5-3.6 GHz) Dual-Polarization S-Band Doppler Weather Radars, as well as the fleet of EEC Ranger-X5 Dual-Polarization Solid-State X-Band Doppler Weather Radars (deployed under the Storm Ranger program) have changed the way TV stations gather and disseminate life-saving weather information. Using critical, time-sensitive information captured by these new systems, TV stations in some of the US’s largest population centers are now able to better arm not only their on-air meteorologists, but also local entities, such as emergency managers, first responders, government officials, and public businesses. These efforts further the goal of building a Weather-Ready Nation and transforming weather operations in the media sector to help America respond.

Supplementary URL: http://eecweathertech.com/

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