Monday, 23 January 2017: 11:00 AM
Conference Center: Yakima 2 (Washington State Convention Center )
Globally natural disasters such as droughts, floods and storms kill more women than men according to the World Health Organization (WMO). In the U.S. the reverse is true; more men are killed in weather events such as floods and heat events. There are many inequitable weather and climate impacts requiring gendered solutions. These solutions require full involvement of both men and women in weather and climate service organizations such as the WMO and the National Weather Service (NWS). Yet men still overwhelmingly hold the top leadership positions in most such organizations. Thus it is imperative to counter the imbalance so that women, as well as men, be given equal voice in all weather-related decision-making and activities, as well as equal access to the benefits derived thereof. To these ends,
Gender Mainstreaming is a priority goal of the WMO, and likewise the NWS.
Gender Mainstreaming is the international public policy concept of assessing the different implications for women and men and making gender equality central to all activities - policy development, research, advocacy/ dialogue, legislation, resource allocation, and planning, implementation of programs and projects. It is a means to address both discrepancies in women’s participation in atmospheric and climates science, and gendered imbalances in weather and climate services. This presentation will illuminate the work of the NWS’ Gender Mainstreaming Working Group (GMWG) and discuss how the partnership with the WMO helps create balanced and representative weather and climate organizations that equitably services and supports all employees and stakeholders.

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